Transformations by Tashara

Hello Darlings!

My job is to be your GPS as we navigate through this journey of life and love, in the ultimate pursuit of fabulousness! You cannot tell me that statement wasn’t philosophical, prolific even! I am a proud, small town Southern girl with a love and zeal for fashion. I wanted to be fancy use a picture that looked like I was thinking or at least gave an “I’m intelligent” feel, but I searched my pictures, my Facebook, my twitter, everywhere and came up with nothing. I debated on this pic

.  It’s kind of emo-intelligent-chic, right? This picture was from a corporate banquet that I attended. I wore a black knee length Calvin Klein dress, gold skinny belt, teased bump with headband, caged sandal heels, owl stud earrings and gold bangles. After awards were given out, one man came up to me and told me that I won the best shoe of the night award. I live for those types of compliments. I’m not just a vain girl with no sense of substance. My personal blog Living, Loving, and AWare shows another aspect of who I am. If you really want to get all my business, just go there. I lay it all out on the table. If you’re extra nosey and want to get a better feel of who I am then go to my Finding the Balance blog for Mission:Consolation. No, I’m not schizophrenic. You won’t discover a different personality on each blog, but you will get to see bits and pieces of me. This blog is just another component of my multi-faceted personality. I feel like Ledisi’s “Pieces of Me” should be playing right now. Now that I’m done plugging my other blogs, let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

I have a degree in English and I’ve always been extremely creative and innovative. I feel as though my full time job isn’t the best outlet for my creativity. Because of this sense of entrapment,one morning I woke up and decided that Tasha and I should take over the world of beauty. A few days later, TNTBombDotCom was birthed. There is still an internal burning for a personal face to face need to shake the foundation of people’s lives.  After talking with friends about personal styling, the next day I created Transformations by Tashara. Isn’t fabulousness what we are all striving to achieve? Come on, don’t go too deep. Just stay on the surface for right now. On the surface, you want to look good, so deep within you can feel good. It’s okay to admit that. It’s also okay to smile. You can nuke those laugh lines with some collagen filler later in life. Let’s focus on fab!

I’ll tell you a little story of how I decided to really pursue fashion consulting and personal styling. I’m 24 and work with the government in North Carolina. I am the youngest person at my job. Not only am I the youngest, but the gap between me and the next person is probably 8-10 years. I’m often reminded to enjoy my youth because soon I’ll be old, wrinkled, and decrepit. Okay, no one uses those exact words, but that’s how they make me feel. In actuality, none of my coworkers are old in the sense of having one foot in the grave, but Lord do they make me feel like I just weened myself off of a pacifier. The other day, one of my coworkers commented my outfit and necklace. She said and I quote, “I wish I was young again. I would have paid more attention.”

“If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention.”

I know y’all have seen Sister Act 2!

You never want to look back on your life and say, “What was I wearing?!” I am 24 and I look back on my college days and think, “Really, Tashara? Gaucho pants!?” If you do look back, you better say, “I looked good for that era.”

So after the wise words of my colleague, I sat at my desk, in a bright orange wrap dress, turquoise statement necklace, textured tights, leopard flats and peacock feather earrings, and I vowed to myself to always pay attention and always pursue fabulousness in spite of life’s predicaments. I believe that love starts at home and with self. Honey, if Rihanna can find love in a hopeless place, you surely can feel love through an outfit or at least exude the illusion of love through a beat face!

When you look around your home, it should be a reflection of you. Your outfits should be a visual presentation of the stunning person that you are. I believe it’s your right to be fabulous in every aspect of your life and on whatever budget you have. Honey my budget is minimal, but I work it out! In the wise words of me, “Fashion is a lifestyle. Live to the fullest.”

Let me help you transform your wardrobe, your bedroom, your living room, your vanity in your bathroom, your self esteem, and your life. Please feel free to contact me at

Carpe diem darlings,


Fashion Consultant and Personal Stylist