
Fashion is a lifestyle; live to the fullest

Tag: Cosmetics

Urban Decay De-slick review!

Hello Darling Dolls!

Go vote for Tasha’s NYX FACE AWARD CONTEST video!!! The person who helps us gets likes on this video will get a NYX package from us! 🙂 Equipped with the highly recommended goodies I purchased during my NYX shopping spree at Ulta!

HAPPY MONDAY! Let’s start this week off right with a great review on an UH-MAAZING  product I picked up this weekend. I went to the mall Saturday afternoon and dropped by Sephora to get a new primer. I have been using the Ulta Brand Matte Primer, but it’s not working out. The Ulta primer dries out my face. I don’t love the fry chicken on my face greasy look, but I also don’t like emulating the crackle nail polish look on my face either. I used up the Smashbox photo finish primer sample that I got with my foundation, but it wasn’t working out either. FINALLY, I’ve found the solution to all of my problems!

Urban Decay De-Slick in a tube! Y’all this tube has changed my life!! It should be called Urban Decay Miracle in a tube! I put this under my foundation and also dabbed a little bit on top when I finished my makeup. I went out with the girls and could not believe that my face wasn’t dripping on my dress after an hour. If you have oily skin, let me tell you this is the oily skin eliminator!!! I am on my way to becoming an Urban Decay fanatic! You definitely get your money’s worth with this brand!

By the way, I used my BHCosmetics Jenni Rivera palette and I am thoroughly pleased and impressed! I’m late 96.3% of the time and this weekend I was late 100% of the time. I had no time to take pictures of my outfit on Friday or of my makeup both days. I tried, but failed! I will post pics soon!

How was everyone’s weekend?

Carpe Diem Dolls,

Tashara ❤



HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Who has plans for the weekend?! If you don’t, make some and have some fun! You deserve it! 🙂

To make your Friday even happier click this –> NYX FACE AWARD CONTEST VIDEO and vote for  Tasha’s video!!!!!!! Thank you! The person who helps us get the most likes will get all the goodies that I purchased during my NYX Haul from Ulta! I absolutely love the look Tasha created! We have until APRIL 4TH to get likes so reblog this and help us out! Hot pink kisses to you all!

Carpe Diem Dolls,

Tashara ❤

Express Semi-Annual Sale!

Hello Darling Dolls!

Before you even read this click this –> NYX FACE AWARD CONTEST VIDEO and vote for  Tasha’s video!!!!!!! Thank you! The person who helps us get the most likes will get all the goodies that I purchased during my NYX Haul from Ulta! Now on to business! Express is having an UH-MAAZING Semi- Annual Sale!!!!

I’ve been stalking Express for a week now. The items in my cart online were patiently waiting, but I never order anything until I can find a free shipping coupon code. The clearance kept reducing, but I could never find the a coupon code! I was in the mall returning some American Eagle jeggings and skinny jeans because even the X-long were too short (I’m too upset to even discuss this) and after a horrible experience in H&M, I decided to try Express. I had my 15% coupon in my purse and I was ready until I was informed my coupon couldn’t be used on clearance! BOOOOOO!  I ended up spending $36, yall!! Here’s what I purchased: sheer floral kimono blouse, net tunic-y top, chandelier earrings, zebra print bangle

My jewelry was $5.99 each, y’all! WOOHOO! I’m wearing the net tunic-like shirt & earrings to go bowling tomorrow! I will definitely post pics and my makeup look w/ my BH Cosmetics Jenni Rivera Palette. Did I mention that you need to go vote for Tasha’s video for NYX FACE AWARD CONTEST? GO VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! WE NEED LIKES!!!!!

Carpe Diem dolls,

Tashara ❤


Hello Darling Dolls!

I need your help!!! Tasha has entered the NYX Cosmetics Fine Artistry of Cosmetic Elites (FACE) Awards Contest! So I need you guys to go to Youtube and like her video! I am so incredibly proud of my talented other half! Head on over to Youtube and like the video and tell everyone you know to like it as well! I would love if you dolls would reblog this post! We’re going to do a NYX giveaway to one of you lovely dolls who comments, reblogs, and helps us get some likes! The giveaway will include all of the goodies that I snagged my Nyx Haul from Ulta  a few weeks ago! Who doesn’t want to get free makeup from doing a little typing, copying and pasting? The deadline is April 4th so let’s get to work! Tasha and I ❤ you lovelies and thanks for your support! Hot pink kisses to you all!

Carpe Diem dolls!

-Tashara ❤

BH Cosmetics Palette!

Hello Darling Dolls!

I’ve heard great things about BHCosmetics, so I decided to order a palette. I have been stalking the 28 Neutral Color Palette for about a month, but it is always out of stock. It is in stock right now and only $12.32! Right now, the Spring Sale at BHCosmetics is taking 30% off selected palettes. Of course the affordability of BH instinctively caught my eye, but I had a fear that the colors wouldn’t be pigmented. From doing a little Youtube stalking and Amazon review research, it seemed most people were satisfied for the price, so I went for it! Tasha yelled at me a little and convinced me to get something other than neutral since I already have the Urban Decay Naked Palette. I decided to get the best of both worlds and ordered Jenni Rivera’s 36 Color Eye Shadow and Blush Palette.

I’ll be honest, I have no idea who Jenni Rivera is and I was too lazy to Google her. If I’m impressed with the palette, I will check out her music! Just Kidding! 🙂 I’m going to check out her music, anyway. If you’re a Jenni Rivera fan comment and leave me some song suggestions! Anyway, I rubbed some of the colors on and they seem to be okay. There’s matte and shimmer colors. A few of them are reminiscent of MAC eye shadow and blush that I own. Is it MAC quality? I don’t know yet, so I won’t lie to you.

36 colors for less than $20 works for me! I’ll try out the blush for work tomorrow and I’ll give you guys a quick review. I really need to clean my makeup brushes. Maybe I’ll do that tonight. I digress. I actually plan on leaving my couch this weekend, so I’ll try a look with this palette and supply you guys with a full review! BHCosmetics was on point with the shipping! I received this palette within a few days and it didn’t get a tour of the USA like my BirchBox. Have any of you tried BHCosmetics? My next experiment will be with Sigma Beauty products. Have any of you guys checked them out?

Stay tuned dolls!

Carpe Diem,

Tashara ❤

March Birch Box

Hello Darling Dolls!

Happy Friday!!!!!! Who’s excited for the weekend?! My darling friend Ashleigh suggested that we try out Birchbox for a month. Someone recommended it to her, she recommended it to me, and now I’m recommending it to you! I’m definitely going to have fun experimenting with these products this weekend!

My Birchbox traveled all around the US to get to me (Seriously), but it was worth the wait. Basically, you sign up for Birchbox, select items that fit your interest and then a box of sample goodies are sent to you! For one month it’s just $10 and I will say it’s worth it. Will I get a Birchbox every month? Probably not, but if you have an expendable $10 and you want some goodies then definitely go for it! Check out the bulleted list of my goodies!

  • Annick Goutal Eau d’Hadrien ($85)- This smells like straight lemon juice, which they tell me in the description. “This bright scent features a winning combo of lemon, grapefruit, and green mandarin.” I would not describe this as winning combo.
  • Color Club Age of Aquarius ($8)- UH-MAAZING! It is so amazing I’m motivated to paint my nails this weekend.
  • I Coloniali Invigorating Tibetan Shower Cream with Rhubarb ($29) – Right on time, because I’m almost out of Nivea and omg it smells like the heavenly hosts are having a party in a bottle.
  • Miss Jessie’s Original Curly Meringue ($22) – I’ve used this before and I’m grateful for the reminder. If I was still wearing my hair naturally curly, this would be perfect, but I’m not.
  • WEI Pomegranate Buffing Beads – ($20)  Honestly, I had no idea what this was. The word Wei reminded me of the restaurant Pei Wei and I had an immediate craving for sushi. Anyway, this is  an exfoliant scrub that I plan on trying this weekend as well! Spa day at my apartment!

Extra goodies!

  • Miss Jessie’s Original Creme de la Creme conditioner ($16)
  • Miss Jessie’s Original Super Slip Sudsy Shampoo ($14)

Yes.. you guessed it! I’m washing my hair this weekend too!

For $10, I received samples of $200 worth of products. I’ve heard that people have gotten sucky Birchboxes and I would be so irritated if that happened to me. This first experience was a good one (aside from the shipping time). I’ll definitely try BirchBox again. Don’t eat fast food for a week, save that $10,  and sign up.

Carpe Diem Dolls,

Tashara ❤

Target Love!

Hello Darling Dolls!

To counter all of the negativity from my rant about Covergirl’s LastBlast , this blog will be about a few of my newly purchased items from Target! Did y’all know that I love Target? I do. I have an outfit that I want to show that’s all Target everything, but I’ll show you guys when I actually wear it. I needed new supplies for my new short hairdo (if you haven’t seen it yet, check out No Hair, Don’t Care.I went to Target to get some of the recommended products from my stylist. I couldn’t wait to wash my hair because I felt like she used too much oil and my hair was stuck to my head like a helmet! I bought a trial pack of Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy shampoo, conditioner, and anti-breakage serum. I also picked up some coconut milk by Organix.

Y’all these products are UH-MAAZING!!!!!! I have naturally curly hair. I know you’re probably thinking, yeah yeah, but I really do. In college, I wore my hair natural and Tasha didn’t even think it was capable of being straight. The only shampoo/conditioner that I’ve encountered (prior to Organix) that has really tamed and straightened my hair was Herbal Essence Dangerously Straight. Now I can’t find it anywhere!! 😦 I’m not a fan of oil, but oil is a fan of my hair. This coconut milk does the trick! It moisturizes without leaving my hair feeling weighed down and greasy. It is lightweight and smells like liquid angels in a bottle! I 100% recommend Organix for all hair types and textures! For an added bonus, Olive Oil Hair Mayonaisse is pretty spectacular for a deep condition. (It’s not gross like it sounds–trust me).

I’m nearing the end of my Clean & Clear oil-free moisturizer and as I was about to pick it up, the Target brand caught my eye. The green cap lured me in.


This moisturizer kicks Clean & Clear’s butt and I live for Clean & Clear. Tasha is so dedicated to Clean and Clear she won’t even let me speak of any other products! This moisturizer is so creamy, yet it doesn’t make my face feel like I just rubbed it with vaseline. All you need is one squirt and you’re good! I went to a spa party last weekend and the lady squirted us once and I had to constantly tell her, “Ma’am, I have a big face. Help me out here.” I’m just one of those people who doesn’t know the meaning of “use sparingly.” If you ever see me put blush on, you would think I’m going to use the whole container on one cheek. This same concept applies with the Organix Coconut Oil. Depending on how much hair you have you could use two squirts. Once again, I 100% recommend Target brand dual treatment moisturizer!

Go browse the aisles of Target and come back and tell me what you get! There’s always something new to discover!

Carpe Diem Dolls,


Tashara ❤

Covergirl Lash Bust

Hello Darling Dolls!

Aside from picking the wrong NYX lipstick, I haven’t run into many products that I absolutely despise. I could write 100 blogs on hair products that I hate, but when it comes to makeup I’m usually good at picking the right items.

Wait! Before I get into my hate for today, let me THANK everyone for all of your love and support! Tasha and I are so excited that we’re up to 1000+ views!!!!! 🙂 Thank you, thank you, and thank you times 1000!

Now back to the matter at hand. I had a coupon (of course) for Covergirl eye and lip products, so I decided to buy a lipstick and I wanted to try a mascara since I haven’t used anything but Maybelline Stilletto for the past 4 years & recently Maybelline XXL. Prior to, I used Telescopic by L’Oreal. I loved it so much I used it as a product for an advertising class in college and even gave away tubes of telescopic to the girls in my classroom! (It was only 6 of us in the class). Then I tried that “Telescopic Explosion” mascara by L’Oreal with the applicator shaped like a ball. It was so terrible that I quit using L’Oreal all together. I switched to Stiletto by Maybelline and I’ve been in love since.

Drew Barrymore is always on TV or in a magazine LYING about how great Covergirl Lashblast lengthens and volumizes her lashes. I wonder how much they’re paying Drew. Not that I truly believe these celebrities use the products they advertise, but Covergirl would have to pay me extra to lie and promote Lashblast. I purposely didn’t clean the tube so that you can see how it’s already clumpy and gross. I have only had this mascara for 1 WEEK! I have to apply 17 coats for it to even begin to work. Please do not waste your money on this mascara, even if you do have a coupon. It’s not worth it! If you want drugstore mascara, go for Maybelline! AND I just got a PG Saver  coupon in the mail. If you like liquid eyeliner, Stiletto also has a liner and it was $2.50 at Wal-Mart. It’s usually about $8. I’m not sure why it rung up as $2.50 the other day, but I’m not complaining.

This officially concludes my Covergirl rant! Right now, I want to go rack up on Stilletto & XXL just to make sure I’m fully stocked! If you like Lashblast, then let me know. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I hear that Clinque has good mascara that’s worth the money. I’m not against trying mascaras, so give me some suggestions!

Carpe Diem Dolls,


Tashara ❤

Casual Friday

Hey Darling Dolls!

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you! I’m posting twice in one day! Check out my Pimp Your Kitchen post if you haven’t already 🙂

I spend Monday – Thursday in a pencil skirt or a dress, so on Friday’s I take the phrase “casual Friday” to a new level!

I am absolutely in love with this maxi skirt from Old Navy. I will admit it was a little bit annoying to deal with. I slammed it in my car door this morning and constantly ran it over with my chair at work, but it made me feel so fun and girly. There were many times at the office today where I wanted to do a whimsical, interpretive dance down the halls, but I had to sustain my urges. Wouldn’t you want to dance in this skirt and these flats?

What I’m wearing:

Old Navy head to almost toe

  • Pleated Maxi Skirt
  • Gold skinny belt
  • White Vneck
  • Light denim blue jean jacket
  • Leopard scarf

Also, I’m wearing the NYX Gypsy Blue Eyeliner  that I bought the other day. I put it on around 7:40 a.m. and smudged it a little. I have a terrible cold, my eyes have been watering all day and I sneeze every 26 minutes, but the liner has stayed strong through all of that. I’m definitely getting more colors!

I hope everyone had a Fantastic Friday!!! 🙂 I’ve gotten some requests on how to do winged liner, so hopefully I can show you my skills! Maybe. Your challenge for this weekend is to do something daring! Wear 5″ heels.. mix animal print and stripes.. experiment with makeup, hair, wardrobe! Then come back and tell me how liberated you feel! I can only hope that you can find something to wear that makes you feel as good as this skirt made me feel today! 🙂

Carpe Diem Dolls,

Tashara ❤

Brows 101

Hello Darling Dolls!

Tasha has resurrected! She’s starting off March with a quick and easy brow tutorial! I am personally excited about this brow tutorial. Since I bought the Damone Roberts brow pencil my life has changed. I even made a video about it! That’s how serious I am about this pencil. Honestly, I’m just now getting my brows the way that I want them. I switched from Spiked by MAC to Minx Damone Robert’s and it’s been a struggle, but now I’m comfortable.

I’ve been BEGGING Tasha to do a brow tutorial and now you have it! She will show you two different ways to sculpt your brows! This will be the best 9 minutes and 47 seconds you will ever spend! Enjoy!